just because someone created Amazon and is now worth more than 5 billion dollars doesn't mean other people are not worth as much. many people are just as smart, if not more, but they lack the outlet to make their abilities a reality. i can't imagine the amount of outstanding people still going unnoticed for their talent and skills and potential contribution to this country simply because they don't have the means to. pity.
you know, honestly, i don't know why i write. especially on a blog...it's one blog, one minuscule blog in an entire database of information called the interweb. i don't know why i bother. it just doubles the fact that i am one person in a world of other people and my thoughts are also just one minuscule cluster of opinions. no one cares. and if they care to read just one sentence, that sentence will dissolve from their memory the moment they leave my blog page. i am forgotten, as the people i meet on the streets every day. i see someone different every single day yet i cannot remember any one of their faces. and i am sure i will never meet them again.
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